Budhanilkantha-11, Kathmandu

Tel 01-4821078, 4813478

Email admin@dikshalayanepal.edu.np

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Admission Form

Fields with (*) are mandatory

Applicant's Information

Applicant's Address


Applicant's Detail of Previous School

Year School Address Grade GPA IEMIS Code Phone No.

Applicant's Health Information

Medical/ Psychological Condition If any

Family Information

Description Father Mother Local Guardian
Permanent Address
Present Address
Home Phone

Emergency Information

Applicant's Brother/Sister Information

Name Age Grade

i) How did you know about Dikshalaya Nepal Foundation?


ii) Please write expectation on your ward from Dikshalaya Nepal Foundation.

Facilities you want to take



  I, have the authority to admit my child/ward into the school as the parent/guardian. I undertake the responsibility of providing any evidence needed to support the information provided here, If necessary for any reason. I declare the statements provided in this application are created to my knowledge and if found otherwise, I shall abide by the decision of the management. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations and the fee structure of the school.

