Rhododendron International Boarding School (RIBS)

Rhododendron International Boarding School

Chandragiri-5, Kathmandu

014312257, 014312317

Registration Form

फारम भर्दा विद्यार्थीको जन्म दर्ताको आधारमा भर्नु होला l

Student's Name (IN BLOCK LETTERS)

Student's Photo

  • (Note: Only jpg/jpeg/png. Max size 3 MB, PP size. Photo must be taken within the last six months.)

Date of Birth


Permanent Address

Temporary Address

Father's Information

Mother's Information

Local Guardian/Contact Person

Do you have brothers and sisters studying in RIBS School? Please list them, their names and class.

Name Class

+ Add Row

Please tick (✓) The appropriate box if the student needs any/all the following services.

  • Lunch


Any Particular disease(s)/illness(es) student is suffering from? If yes, Please give details.

Does the student have any allergy? Is he/she under any medication? If yes, please give details.

Kindly submit below mentioned documents to school administration.

i. Birth Certificate
ii. Testimonials showing the academic records of the students concerned (except for nursery)
iii. Two PP sized photographs
iv. Transfer Certificate (except for nursery)
By checking the checkbox below you have confirmed the eligibility criteria to apply and you are ready for further application process.