The Excelsior School

The Excelsior School

Swoyambhu, Kathmandu 9851274246



Section A

1. Work Experience

In the space provided, please enlist your work experience starting with the most recent one.

Organization/School Position held Date (from to )

2. Education History

Starting with the highest degree attained, please enlist your educational experience down to the High School.

Name of Institution (Include Place) Degree attained Major Subject Date attended

3. Non-degree training / Courses

Indicate any non-degree course or relevant training.

Name of Institution (Include Place) Title of Course/Training Date attended

Section B

  • How did you get information about us?
  • Why do you want to work with us?
  • How has your work experience enabled you to face the challenges at the workplace?
  • What are your thoughts regarding Nepal's education system? Please elaborate.
  • Please enlist your special interest and hobbies. Indicate how your interests and hobbies could enrich the workplace environment.
  • Please, mention if you have received any awards, prizes or recognitions.
  • Please describe your general health. Indicate chronic and/or other serious illnesses as well other disabilities you may have.
  • If you are under any kind of medication and you need serious health attention, or if you have any kind of differently ableness, please mention here.
  • References (Present and most recent employer preferred): Please provide full address and contact details of two persons.
    Reference 1
    Reference 2
